Monday, August 2, 2021

Reviewing: Sustaining Faith (When Hope Calls Book #2) by Janette Oke and Laurel Oke Logan

...from the publisher... 

Sustaining Faith (When Hope Calls Book 2)

 So much has been accomplished. Lillian Walsh has stepped out courageously beyond what she'd ever dreamed of being able to achieve. She and her newly rediscovered sister, Grace, have settled three children from England into new Canadian homes and are prepared to place two more just after the New Year, when it happens--another painful disruption. 

A white lie the sisters used to protect some orphans has resulted in an official complaint and a letter revoking the sisters' permission to manage their little children's home. And unexpectedly, Walter, the young man who has won Lillian's heart, departs for a job in the oil industry without leaving any hope for their future, making her confused and lonely.

With more children on their way from England needing caring homes, Lillian and Grace must use every ounce of gumption to keep their mission alive. But when startling information about the past surfaces and a new arrival comes via suspicious circumstances, they'll have to decide what is worth fighting for and what is better left in God's hands. thoughts...

I enjoyed Sustaining Faith.  It hooked me immediately and as an avid reader, that is always a delight.  Lilian and Grace once again champion the children who have been left behind.  Both of these women are relentless in their pursuit of providing the best for the children in their care and one small mistake has led to quite a challenge for the newly reunited sisters to overcome.  

Handsome, dashing Quinley Sinclair from the society pulls out all the charm and affability one man can maintain as he sweeps in as their hope in regaining support from the society for Brayton House. In contrast to faithful Walter, Quinley's appearance overshadows the selfless actions Walter has time and again on their behalf.  One has to wonder which young man really has the best interest of the children at heart.  

It is the true faithfulness of Grace and Lillian that will prove see them through the difficult times in this story.  Along the way, the reader learns the value of this sustaining faith for a positive outcome to occur.

I truly enjoyed this book and would love to see a third book written in this series.  It has been adapted to a television series and while I enjoyed an episode or two, television just cannot compete with the books.

Reviewing A Royal Christmas by Melody Carlson

...from the publisher...   Adelaide Smith is too busy for fairy tales. She’s been working hard to put herself through law school, and...